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It was a busy August meeting! Thanks to Pat for the sunny presentation on her favourite colour, yellow. We learned how to use yellow in the various colour schemes to complement or contrast and end up with a harmonious whole. Who knew that yellow is the first colour that our brain processes or that olive green is really yellow with black added. Pat also taught us how to make the cute little zippered bags that are shown below. These could easily become an addiction and I know some people went home and immediately made more. We also had our own informal guild Riley Blake Sashing Stash Challenge. The only rule we had was use a piece of the provided Sashing Stash fabric somewhere in your quilt. Here is what our members created. Sonia won 1st place for the Viewer's Choice (top middle) and Veronica and Mary W. tied for 2nd place. (top left and 3rd down on the left) Kristyn finished the meeting with an improv demo on circles and had some great samples to show. It was a busy meeting and the room was packed! Next month Sonia will be presenting the colour RED and there will be a demo on Improv Cross blocks and X blocks. We will have a brief business portion at the start of the meeting to discuss Guild Executive positions that need to be filled.
Don't forget to join us for our meeting this upcoming Saturday, August 13, 2016 at 10am. Here is our agenda and supply list for this month's meeting:
We have 2 activities planned for our program this month. Please bring your sewing machine, a basic sewing kit and don't forget the sewing machine cord and pedal! Yellow presented by Pat Join this month us as we explore the colour yellow. Pat lead a short discussion on the colour yellow, and its relationship to the other colours on the colour wheel. For the yellow activity, please bring the following:
Please support our advertisers belowLondon Modern Quilt Guild CanadaWelcome to the London Modern Quilt Guild Canada blog! Our Next Meeting:Next Meeting:
Sat. February 8 at 11 am in person at East Lions Community Centre, 1731 Churchill Ave, London, ON. Membership 2025 now available. Workshops & Lectures for 2025: Check out our meetings page 10th Anniversary PartyOn Jan 19 we celebrated our 10th anniversary with cake, quilt displays, vendors and a portable design wall making demo.
2024 UPwithArt Party QuiltProud to have sponsored the #UPwithART 2024 fundraiser, benefitting @unityprojectldn and @museumlondon!
2023 Quilt ShowArchives
February 2025