10-4 October 10th. East Lions Artisans Centre.
Hope to see everyone there!
October is right around the corner, Fall is officially here! For our October Gen Q block challenge, we are to use Autumn colours. One more element for the block is to also incorporate black fabric within the block. This will tie all the challenge blocks together by including one similar coloured fabric. Where you want to use the black is up to you. Here is the block prompt so you can start planning your design. (see below) We also wanted to remind everyone that because our next meeting in on the Thanksgiving weekend, we will be having a bit more of a casual meeting. There will be a quick business portion at the beginning, we will not have any program this month, and straight into sewing. Please bring your lunch and stay the afternoon. And bring your WIPs, sewing machine, extension cord and whatever else you may need to sew.
10-4 October 10th. East Lions Artisans Centre. Hope to see everyone there!
Thank you to everyone involved with the first ever Quilt X Quilt Show! Michelle and Chantal and all the volunteers, you did an amazing job! There were lectures and demos both days, rows and rows of vendors, beautiful vendor quilts of the the featured quilt and a special quilt exhibit by Johanna Masko. So many people stopped by our booth to ask about modern quilts, inquire about the London MQG and I loved meeting everyone. Lots of familiar faces. My arms are tired from holding up our display quilts for people to take photos of. We have so many talented quilters in our guild! Thanks to our members for volunteering their time to promote modern quilting in an area rich with traditional quilters. Here is a photo of our booth Here is a photo of some of the featured quilts made by the vendors. The London MQG version is the lime green, cerise sashing and grey polka dots one. It was amazing to see the same pattern made in so many different ways.
September Meeting Recap WOW was this month’s meeting packed! Lots of members and 4 guests attended. Welcome to all the new faces! Chantal went over the Guild business and here are some of the highlights: · Jacquie Gering is coming to Hyggeligt in April to do a 2-day workshop on using your walking foot. · Opportunity for a guest blogger to recap the monthly meetings- thanks to everyone that volunteered · Everyone received a postcard that was designed by Sheilagh to promote our guild. If you need more to distribute at other guilds or LQS, there are extra postcards in the supply cupboard. · Libs Elliott is a possibility for workshops/ trunk show. · Our Outreach program received lots of fabric donations- thank you for continuing to think of this program when you are thinning out your stash! · Mary V had ideas where to raffle the QuiltCon charity quilt to raise donations for the London Community Chaplaincy. · Artisans Open House is on Sunday September 27th from 10-4- quilts to display are needed, volunteers in the booth are needed and fabric scraps for the children’s activity are also needed. · The winter issue of the CQA magazine will be about modern quilting. The possibility of the guild writing an article with photos was discussed. Deadline is Oct. 1st Would someone be willing to write an article? · The program for the November meeting will be about Liberated Quilting (Gwen Marsden) and Gail and Christine R will present this workshop. · Sonia asked if the guild was interested in a workshop by Sew Fresh Quilts- please look at Lorna’s website to see the types of quilts she creates. Sew Fresh Quilts · Lisa brought some magazines as door prizes- thank you Lisa. Bonnie and Linda each won magazines. Thanks to Mary B for bringing in some quilting books to start a guild library! Quilting Modern by Jacquie Gering is already signed out- how awesome is our library going to be! Any other books you are finished reading can be donated to the library for others to enjoy. The Gen Q blocks from August and September were raffled off and Bonnie won the blocks. There were quite a few blocks brought in for each of the months. Can’t wait to see what gets made from these blocks. Next month’s Gen Q blocks should be based on this design. (see drawing below) They are to be 10 ½” unfinished and be made with Autumn coloured fabrics. If you need more information about the Gen Q block challenge- click HERE. The Quilt X Quilt Show is this Friday and Saturday- September 18 and 19 from 10-4. 17 vendors, featured quilt pattern, quilts, lectures and demos. $7 daily admission or $10 for 2 days. Thanks to the volunteers who will be helping in the booth and for your quilts we will have on display. Plan on attending the first ever-annual Quilt X show- it looks like it will be amazing! Jan then presented a workshop on Scale,Proportion and Ratio in quilting. After recently attending the AQS Quilt Show in Grand Rapids, Jan had a slide show with examples of quilts in the show- relating to proportion and ratio. Jan explained the ratios that are most pleasing to quilt making- something to keep an eye out for when at your next quilt show. Thanks for an excellent workshop Jan- you are a fantastic teacher! Remember October’s guild meeting is on the Thanksgiving weekend and we will cover the business quickly at the beginning and then there will be a sew in for the rest of the day. There will be no program for this month. Bring your machines, extension cords and projects and get caught up on some of your WIP- maybe even a jump-start on some Christmas sewing? Here are our show and share quilts- looks like everyone has been very productive over the summer! quick note- a pair of sunglasses was left behind, they are in the supply cupboard, as well as a green bag of fabric was found- not sure if it was donated fabric or it belongs to someone working on the blocks inside- that too is in the supply cupboard.
Thank you to everyone who has purchased a ticket to the Cheryl Arkison Lecture & Trunk Show. We will see you on November 5, 2015!
Watch your inboxes for further information. |
Please support our advertisers belowLondon Modern Quilt Guild CanadaWelcome to the London Modern Quilt Guild Canada blog! Our Next Meeting:Next Meeting:
Sat. February 8 at 11 am in person at East Lions Community Centre, 1731 Churchill Ave, London, ON. Membership 2025 now available. Workshops & Lectures for 2025: Check out our meetings page 10th Anniversary PartyOn Jan 19 we celebrated our 10th anniversary with cake, quilt displays, vendors and a portable design wall making demo.
2024 UPwithArt Party QuiltProud to have sponsored the #UPwithART 2024 fundraiser, benefitting @unityprojectldn and @museumlondon!
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Logo generously provided by Sasha Stanojevic www.sashFX.com |