Our Agenda this month will be:
1. New Meeting Location Update by Mary
- Required images of Member's Quilt for Artisan's Mural
- Call for Volunteer to coordinate display shelf at new location
- Call for Volunteer to attend Board meetings at new location
- Call for 2 Volunteers to be a key holders.
3. Community Outreach Update by Lyndsey
- Discuss upcoming January project at Limberlost: Scrappy Wall Hanging made of flags from the country of origin of participants.
- Call for donations of scraps to latest project
- What to expect from the MQG in 2015
6. Show & Share
7. Eat & Be Merry!
Please see below for important items to know before coming to the meeting:
Mug Rug Exchange For those who have signed up for the Mug Rug exchange, don't forget to bring it with you to Saturday's meeting! The Mug Rug can be any size as long as it is modern. If you haven't signed up and would still like to exchange a mug rug, there is still time! Email us to sign up. |
Bring a treat and get to know your fellow London Modern Quilt Guild Canada Members!
*Rudolph by Luis Prado from the Noun Project.