1. Jacquie Gering workshop is full (April 2016)
2. Retreat at Elm Hurst is in April in co-operation with the Toronto Modern Quilt guild. Please send $100 deposit to Kristyn M and registration is online.
3. Anita Zobens Thread Bar workshop has been booked for Oct 2016. Price (before the end of March) for the class is $65 and includes lunch and kit fee. Bring batting and light coloured fabric sandwiched together in an 8 1/2 x 11 piece. Price for the class after April 1st is $75.
4. Artisan’s meeting: Mary W attended the meeting. We will not be participating in the Western Fair again. There is a two day open house for the Artisans in the Fall. (October). Also, another open house in January in the afternoon of our meeting day. The current building is going to be razed and a new building built in its place opening late 2018/early 2019. We will be provided with a place to meet while construction is underway.
5. We have 25 members. Our room will hold up to 50 people.
6. December 12th meeting –potluck snacks. Gift exchange: If you want to participate, make a small basket http://www.psiquilt.com/2009/08/friendship-bag-tutorial.html and put a small gift inside. Wrap the bag so no one knows who made it. Show and share Christmas ideas for gifts to make.
7. Treasurer's Report- expenses to still be paid- Website hosting, Cheryl's fees, Artisans Rent, MQG dues.
8. Gail and Christine are teaching a liberated baskets workshop on Jan 16th for the LFQG and if there is space available, MQG members are welcome to sign up. We will let you know in Dec.
9. Membership dues are $45 and are due in January. If you are coming to the December meeting, you can pay for your dues then, or mail a cheque to Kristyn, or pay online via PayPal.
10. Community Outreach: 3-5 sewers each week on Tuesday afternoons 1-3 at Limberlost. Hoping to start something up in Southdale in co-operation with the Southdale Chaplaincy. 5-6 volunteers work on rotation. $ has been donated to have a Christmas lunch with the students on the 15th of December.
11. MQG Quilt Con deadline to enter quilts is Nov 30th.
12. Mary Fons is doing an online seminar on different quilt styles through MQG on Nov 19th at 9 pm. Free to MQG members. Sign up via MQG email.
13. Gail wondered if the LMQG might be interested in displaying quilts at the LFQG show in October. Kristyn will contact Rose Bowlby to see if this is possible.
Program: discussed Cheryl Arkison’s trunk show and workshops. Members who attended the classes showed what they made and discussed what they had learned. Cheryl did an MQG webinar online about Improv with Intent. It is on the MQG website.
Show and tell: lots of eye candy!