- Membership renewals are due for 2017. You can renew online via Paypal by clicking here or in person by cheque.
- Call for volunteers: Executive Committee
- Reminder that the deposit for the SWOMod Quilt Retreat is due April 1, 2017. More Info can be found here.
- Sign Up for Libs Elliot Workshop. Limited Space available! More Info can be found here.
- Sign Up for Fabric Dyeing Workshop, July 8, 2017. More information can be found here.
- East Lions Artisan Centre Sale - April 29, 2017, 11am - 4pm. Members can sell items at sale. A portion of the proceeds goes to East Lions Artisan Centre. More details to come at the meeting.
- If you haven't already, bring your Canada 150 Mini Quilt.
- Bring Slab Blocks for the Great Canadian Quilting Bee held by the CQA. More information can be found by clicking here.
- The optional Mad About Patchwork February Guild Bundle - The Forest City is now available and can be used for our Logo Challenge. More information about the challenge can be found by clicking here.
- We will have a open sew-in until 3:30pm that day. Bring a project and stay for the afternoon!

We will be drafting our own block/ mini quilt and then included in this email are 2 patterns if you wanted to make your own larger project.
For the workshop please bring graph paper and coloured pencils as well as your fabric.
Your fabric choice will need at least 3 colours and think about how they interact with each other if they were transparent and layered on top of the other. One simple idea for colour would be to take 2 colours and then blend them and that blended colour is the middle colour. EX: blue and yellow fabrics plus green.
You can keep it simple or make it as challenging as you would like.
Other ideas would be to bring light to dark grey fabrics for a monochrome block, or bring light to dark of one colour and create an ombre transparency. Or use one colour and a grey and make that blended colour a greyed shade of the original colour.
Also bring what ever background fabric you would like to coordinate with your focus transparency fabrics. Probably 1/2 a metre would be enough.
Hope to see you there!