Noon: Doors open at Noon at the Boyle Community Centre.
12:00-12:30: Check in, set ups browse the library, etc.
Check in with Bonnie at the front membership table.
12:30: Meeting begins.
Guild Business (Kristyn)
Ancaster Mini Quilt Swap-due at July Meeting
Quilt Show Updates (September 7 & 8, 2019
Northcott Fabric Challenge
MQG Updates (Linda M)
Other Quilting Upates
Show and Share-Show us your latest creations
Program: All about Binding and Finishing
Sewing binding to a quilt-Sheila
Bias Binding-Linda M.
Facing instead of binding-Pat
Marti Mitchell tool for binding-Linda H.
Making a sleeve-Kristyn
Making a label-Lyndsey (Custom labels will be given out at this meeting for members)
Sew-in until 5:00 pm