Here is a reminder for our May Meeting that will be held May 13, 2017!
Here is our agenda:
- Volunteers needed:
- To sew iron covers -all supplies provided
- Artisans Open house- September 16th 11-4 need a few quilts to display and people to man the table and talk about our guild.
- Quilt raffle for Artisans London
- Sign Up for Fabric Dyeing Workshop, July 8, 2017. More information can be found here.
- Bring Slab Blocks for the Great Canadian Quilting Bee held by the CQA. More information can be found by clicking here. This is the last month that they can be donated via LMQGC.
- LMQG Logo Challenge Blocks - Due August. More information can be found here.
- There are lots of Quilt Shows coming up! You can find out more by clicking on our Community Quilting Events Page.
- If you created a quilt for the MQG Riley Blake Challenge, please bring it to share with the group.
- Update about our Canada 150 Quilt - Display Locations.
- Michael Miller Friendship Blocks - Fabric to be handed out.
- "LMQG Canada" Private Facebook group has been set up for Members ONLY to communicate with each other. You can find the group here. (You will need a Facebook Account)
- MQG Updates
- Show & Share
- We will have a open sew-in until 4pm that day. Bring a project and stay for the afternoon!
This month we will have 2 Members sharing what they learned at Quiltcon.
1) Sonia will talk about how to take traditional blocks and make them modern. Please bring a glue stick and scissors.
2)Pat will also demonstrate the Moda Palette Builder that she was learning more about at QuiltCon.
London Potters Guild sale on Saturday at the TVDSB at Dundas and Highbury- stop by after our meeting!