At the October meeting we started our "Elements of Design Series" in which we used Joen Wolfrom's book "Adventures in Design" as a guideline to explore all of the elements of design. Our members will be taking turns reading a chapter and reporting back to the group and leading an activity listed at the end of each chapter. The series continues this month with Kristyn leading the discussion of "Shape". Shape can be grouped into 4 categories:
1) Representational- represents something that can be found in nature or man made.
2) Geometric (squares, triangles, rectangles and even paper piecing)
3) Organic Shapes- open line curves, free flowing, ovals and circles
Hillary Rice-
4) Non Objective Shape- photos of Improvisational Piecing.
We explored shape in two different activities.
We held a little friendly vote to award a "Member's Choice" block. The results were very close with one vote being the tie-breaker. In the end, the "Member's Choice" went to Sonia. Congratulations Sonia! Thank you to everyone who participated.
Happy sewing!