Inspired by Modern: WIPs (works in process) and UFOs (unfinished objects)
The prize: made by Shirley Winner: Brenda
Have you started a piece in a guild workshop that needs finishing?
Did you want to try a technique introduced at a guild program?
Were you inspired by a modern quilt through social media, shows or other source?
Now is your chance! Complete a piece and earn an entry for a draw prize! (see more below)
June Meeting
May Meeting
March Meeting
April Meeting
Time: February to June London Modern Quilt meetings
Size: Minimum of 40” in perimeter (about 10” square, for example)
Criteria: Must have finished edges, eg framed, binding, stitched through all layers
Must be modern quilting inspired
To register for a draw prize entry, finished pieces must be shown at a monthly Show & Share or shared online to all members. For each piece registered, the member will have their name entered into a prize draw at our June meeting.