MQG meeting. May 14
Sheilagh welcomed the group and each member introduced herself.
Kristyn and Sheilagh spoke about several challenges for our local guild:
Riley Blake Stash Challenge
Canada 150: block should be something to do with Canada, finished size some multiple of three, white or light grey background, using the palette on the card given out at the meeting.
Quilts con/Quilt X: combined entry done by September for QuiltEx using block pattern provided fourteen times on the front and once enlarged on the back to combine the requirements for QuiltEx and the Quiltcon theme of "scale".
June meeting: Triangles workshop with Nancy Trowbridge. So no regular meeting.
Click here for materials list and advance prep work.
October 1is Thread Workshop. More details can be found here. Workshop Fee is $65(member)/$75(non-member) includes lunch and kit fee.
Regular meeting is Thanksgiving weekend and we usually just do a sew in.
Fort McMurray: We have a quilt which was to be used for a charity raffle that has now disbanded so we are going to send it to a person in Fort McMurray who is committed to distributing them. There is a UPS locally that will ship it free.
SWO Mod Quilt Retreat at Elmhurst: was a big success. Nice chance to meet modern quilters from other guilds. Pam spoke about the "loot" and the take home project. Will be done again in 2018.
Quiltcon East: Savannah in February, 2017. Details on website. Course catalogue on June 1st. Early registration is June 25. More important dates can be found here.
Presentation: Jan Dudek. Purple. The handout for this class can be found by clicking here. Time spent working on a bias tape project incorporating purple fabrics.
Show and tell: Lyndsey & Mary C. brought quilts and spoke about them.